Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Programmes Newsletter
"Strengthening cultural relations & mutual understanding with other countries"

April 1999
Events in New Delhi
- * 1st April : Siri Fort : Folk dance & music by "Lado" group from Croatia: with DG, Tourism
- * 2nd April : Talkatora Indoor Stadium : "Lado" group from Croatia: with NDMC
- * 9th April : Tagore Hall : Horizon Series: Sitar : Gaurav Mazumdar
- * 16th April : Tagore Hall : Horizon Series: Bhajan Sandhya : Piyoosha Kailash Anuj
- * from 20th April : Ajanta Art Gallery, ICCR : Contemporary Indian Graphics Prints on week-days
- ****Retrospectives Series**** : Kamani Auditorium :
- * 19th April : Ustad Allauddin Khan (Esraj) & Vasundhara Doraswamy (Bharatanatyam)
- * 20th April : Ustad Shamim Ahmed Khan (Sitar) & Deepti Omchery Bhalla ( Mohiniattam)
- * 22nd April : Shovana Narayan (Kathak)
- * 23rd April : Madhavi Mudgal (Odissi)
Events in other cities
- Allahabad: Folklore from Mauritius (1st)
- Bangalore : Horizon Series : Sitar recital (2nd), Bharatanatyam (9th), Veena recital (16th), Bharatanatyam (23rd), Light classical vocals (30th)
- Lucknow : Folklore from Mauritius (3rd); Horizon Series : Percussion evening (14th)
Events Abroad
- Bharatanatyam: Srekala Bharath : to Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar & Turkey
- Vichitra Veena: Mustafa Raza : to Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar & Turkey
- Kathak: Kathak Kendra : to PDRKorea
- Kuchipudi: Ms Meenu Thakur: to South Africa, Zambia, Reunion Islands, Mauritius: concluding her tour abroad
Distinguished Visitors Programme
- The Council's Distinguished Guests during the month include : Mr John Nagenda, Author & Presidential media adviser from Uganda; Mr AZM Obaidullah, Poet and Chairman of the Centre for Advanced Studies from Bangladesh; Mr Mark Jones, Director, National Museum of Scotland & Mr Paul Simpson, Developing Habitat expert from the U.K. and Prof Osvaldo Svanascini, Art historian from Argentina
- The ICCR continues to facilitate the travel abroad of Indian scholars, artists and artistans. In April, these include Prof Zafar Imam (socio-international studies) to Bangladesh for lecture tour and Prof Vinod S Dubey (Bhagalpur University) to participate in an international conference on socio-linguistics in Singapore
Spur of the Month:
Your contempt for your fellow human beings does not prevent you from trying to win their respect
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