Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Programmes Newsletter
"Strengthening cultural relations & mutual understanding with other countries"

Archives: February 1999
Events in New Delhi
- * till 3rd February : Ajanta Art Gallery, ICCR : Exhibition of paintings, photographs & ceramics by five artists from Japan
- * 4th February : Teen Murti Auditorium : Jazz concert by "TOGETHER" group from the Netherlands
- * 5th February : National Gallery of Modern Art : Photographic exhibition : works by Raghubir Singh from Paris (in collaboration with the NGMA)
- * 5th February : Teen Murti Auditorium : Classical music concert by Rohan & Druvi de Saram from Sri Lanka
- * 10th February : Ajanta Art Gallery, ICCR : An exhibition of paintings by Ms Thoraya Baqsami from Kuwait: till 17th
- * 10th February : Siri Fort : : Korean Musical: "Chang Pogo: the Prince of Maritime Trade"
- * 15th February : Kamani Auditorium : Korean Traditional Dance & Music
- * 16th February : Kamani Auditorium : Music concert by Kumho Asiana String Quartet from the Republic of Korea
- * 17th February : Kamani Auditorium : Retrospectives Series: Yakshagana Ballet: "Abhimanyu Vadh": Yaksharanga Troupe from Udupi, Karnataka
- * 19th February : Tagore Hall : Horizon Series: Contemporary Indian Dance: Sangeeta Sharma & "Bhoomika" dancers
- * 22nd February : Ajanta Art Gallery, ICCR : Photographic exhibition : "Man and Landscape" from Greece: till 24th
- * 24th February : Kamani Auditorium : Contemporary Dance Presentation "Il Libro Mio" by TanzHotel group from Austria
- * 26th February : Tagore Hall : Horizon Series: Devotional light classical music : Agnihotri Bandhu from Lucknow
Events in other cities
- Classical Music Concert by Rohan & Druvi de Saram in Mumbai (2nd)
- Jazz Concerts by "TOGETHER" in Chennai (8th), Calcutta (13th) and Mumbai (16th)
- TanzHotel performance in Chennai (19th)
Events Abroad
- Ms Rekha Surya : Light classical vocal : Sri Lanka
- Ms Neelam Mansingh : Theatre : Australia
- Ms Shovana Narayan : Kathak : Sweden, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and Germany
- Ms Prathibha Prahlad : Bharatanatyam : Nepal
- Ms Alarmel Valli : Bharatanatyam : Nepal
- Ms Ranjabati Sircar : Contemporary dance : Bangladesh
Concluding their tours abroad are
- Ms Mani Krishnaswami : Carnatic vocal : in South Africa, Zambia*
- Samanvay : Folk Dances from Gujarat & region : U.A.E., Qatar & Oman*
- Ms Madhavi Mudgal : Odissi : in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia *
- Ustad Aslam Sabri: Qawwali : in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana & Mozambique*
- Ms Deepti Omcherry Bhalla : Mohiniyattam : & Ustad Alauddin Khan : Esraj maestro in Germany, Sarajevo Festival, Denmark & Italy*
Distinguished Visitors Programme
The Council's Distinguished Guests during the month include : Dr Ihsan Dogramaci and Mrs Umran Badran (ceramic artist) from Turkey; Prof Christine Mackay, National Museums & Galleries of Wales, (U.K.) for lectures/ interactions on paper conservation; Mr Abdul Aziz Abdul Rashid, Curator, Museum of Asian Art, University of Malaya, Malaysia; Dr B Murzubraimov, Rector, Osh University, Kyrghyzstan; Mrs Ferial El Awady, Ministry of Culture, Egypt; Dr Margot Gatzlaff, Recipient of the 1998 Gisela Bonn Award, from Germany; Dr Pascal Boniface, Institute of International Relations & Strategies, France; Ms Maria Katsikovordou, student from Greece, winner of a declamation competition "India as I see her" and Ms Juana Kupke, student of the Mahatma Gandhi High School, Berlin, Germany who won an essay competition on Mahatma Gandhi
The ICCR continues to facilitate the travel abroad of Indian scholars, artists and artistans. In February, these included Prof Aparna Basu, eminent historian to Mauritius
Spur of the Month:
Perhaps the priority should be to stop _truth_ decay ?
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