Indian Council for Cultural Relations: January 1998
Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Programmes Newsletter
January 1998
- The focus this month, during which the Republic Day falls, was naturally on events/performances in India. The Council co-sponsored, with violin maestro Dr L Subramanium, the visit to India of a host of leading soloists from around the world, gathering for a global tribute to India on its 50th Anniversary of Independence. The concert in the Nation's Capital was on Republic Day, Monday 26th January, at the Siri Fort Auditorium. The distinguished guests at the occasion included the President and Shrimati Narayanan, the Vice-President and Shrimati Kant and Lord Yehudi Menuhin.
- The Council also lent support to the Republic Day-eve concert at the Siri Fort Auditorium by Pandit Ravi Shankar and French flautist Jean Pierre Ramphal
- The first performance arranged by the Council this month/year was a Punjabi play presented by the Ajoka Theatre Group from Lahore, Pakistan. This group was in India at the invitation of the ICCR and gave performances in Calcutta, Kalyani and Chandigarh. The play "Kaala Mainda Bhes" (Black Are My Robes), was then presented at Tagore Hall, Azad Bhavan, ICCR on Friday 2nd January. A Special Performance was held at the same venue on Sunday 4th January: attended by Prime Minister Shri I K Gujral and Shrimati Gujral.
- The series: Retrospectives : presentations by eminent artistes sponsored/assisted by the Council for performances abroad : initiated in November : continued with presentations by Rudra Veena maestro Ustad Asad Ali Khan and Kathak legend Pt Birju Maharaj.
- The other series: Horizon : initiated in late July : provides a platform, on Fridays at Tagore Hall to young artistes empanelled with the ICCR. Presented in this series on the 16th was a ballet from the Ramayana in Odissi.
Spur of the Month:
What garlic is to food, insanity is to art : a little helps.

Events in New Delhi
- 2nd January : Tagore Hall : "Kaala Mainda Bhes" (Punjabi Play) ; Ajoka Theatre
- 4th January : Cathedral Redemption Church : Dresden Chamber Choir (Germany)
- 4th January : Tagore Hall : Special Performance : "Kaala Mainda Bhes"
- 10th January : Vigyan Bhavan : Maulana Azad Memorial Lecture (PM Shri IK Gujral)
- 16th January : Tagore Hall : Horizon : Ratikant Mohapatra (Odissi)
- 17th January : IIC Auditorium : Lecture "India, the United States and the New Politics" : Prof. Samuel Huntington; Chairman : Shri J N Dixit
- 22nd January : Tagore Hall : Retrospectives: Rudra Veena Recital by Ustad Asad Ali Khan
- 25th January : Vigyan Bhavan: Speech by French President Jacques Chirac : India and France : A partnership for the XXIst Century
- 26th January : Siri Fort : Global musical tribute to India
- 29th January : Siri Fort : Toronto Dance Theatre (Canada)
- 31st January : Tagore Hall : Retrospectives : Kathak : Pt Birju Maharaj

Events in other cities
- Global musical tribute to India: Dr L Subramanium and other international musicians
Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Quilon
- Toronto Dance Theatre (Canada)
Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai
- Ballet Theatre (Russia)
Calcutta, Mumbai, Bangalore (New Delhi on 2nd February)
- Elly Ameling (Netherlands)
Mumbai, Calcutta
Events abroad
- Sofia, Bulgaria : Exhibition of Contemporary Graphics
- Washington, USA : Exhibition of Cartoons
- Pakistan : Hindustani Vocal - Pandit Jasraj
- France : Kuttiattam - Kerala Kala Mandalam

Distinguished Visitors Programme
The Council's Distinguished Visitors during the month included : Mr Arif Melikov (composer) from Azerbaijan, Mr Jean-Pierre Ramphal (music maestro) from France, Dr Thomas Venter (Africa Institute) and Prof Brenda Gourley (V-C, University of Natal) from South Africa, Dr Saman Kelegama (Institute of Policy Studies) from Sri Lanka, Dr Abduraimov Hottam (Kamolot) from Uzbekistan and Prof Samuel Huntington (Harvard University) from the USA.
Distinguished scholars assisted by the Council to travel abroad during the month included Ms Anjolie Ela Menon (exhibition in Hong Kong), Mr Vasant Choudhury (symposium in Myanmar) and Dr AM Khusro (lecture tour in Uzbekistan).

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