Penaz Masani - Quotes
"To her the next goal is
the next song that she will sing. Nothing else matters"
- Body & Beauty
"Penaz mesmerizes with her
sonorous voice"
- Kanpur
"She had sung a Surdas
bhajan and most people had confessed to feeling almost devotional
upon hearing it"
- Malavika Kamaraju,
"Her singing was a
revelation ....immensely more beautiful than the woman"
- Kishore Chatterjee,
Sunday Statesman
beauty.....haunting ghazals
- Mridula Bhaseen,
Rajasthan Patrika
"Penaz is definitely a
name to reckon with among today's ghazal singers"
- Rupa Shah, Eve's
"The audience was
sceptical : what had this young woman to offer? But from the
moment Penaz Masani opened her mouth to sing, the audience was
kept spellbound.
- Hemangi Parikh,
Khaleej Times, UAE
"A pure voice as pure as
nectar and a rendering as fresh as April blossoms
- Dr M.A. Menon, Times
Of India, Ahmedabad
"They call her the
.Penaz is a breath of fresh air to the world of
- The Indian Down
Under, Australia
"She has a husky, sensual
voice as pure as nectar
.a sort of sweet intoxication which
liberates the mind from day to day drudgery."
- The Indian Express
Weekly, Auckland
"She was like a fresh
infusion of culture, a renewed link with the cultural heritage of
- Asha Lakhan, Weekend,
New Zealand
"She carried her audience
through a varied repertoire of ghazals traditional and
- Fiji Weekend
"She uses a hypnotic
seductive smile and her whole bosy I the interpretation of a
.She was simply enchanting."
- The Indian Down
Under, Melbourne
"Melodious Masani is
- Guyana Chronical
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